Thursday, September 20, 2007

the new normal

Whew! I am back from New Staff Training near the Campus Crusade for Christ Headquarters. I have officially been commissioned by Campus Crusade for Christ as an International Representative, so everything is in place to develop ministry partners. I am terribly excited about this new stage in life. My awareness of dependence on God is heightened. My sense of purpose for Budapest and also for the Body of Christ here is strengthened. And finally, my valuable time of waiting is over. A whole new version of "normal" life has taken over, and I must say that I totally dig it.

Training itself was intense and exhausting but amazing and thorough. I am so thankful for the care and wisdom of the CCCI staff. Fellowship with fellow new staff was sweet. Some highlights: darling roommates I will love forever, a wonderful couple who currently live 12 miles from me, a supportive group of international ministry folk headed to all kinds of places including Germany (near me!), a young woman from the Ukraine who seriously considered the truth of Christ for the first time, and the gift of time with people who love God and each other.

Now, I am back in El Paso forging ahead with the hope of getting to Budapest by the end of December in order to teach this coming semester. Please join me in prayer for this goal. It is far quicker than most support schedules predict, but God is able to do much more than I could ever ask or imagine. Please also pray for my personal schedule--that it would be focused, purposeful, diligent, and joyful as I get to share what God is doing in Central Europe with those who surround me and as I catch up with friends far and near.

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